Fiche cheval helice du douy
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 6 | hera d'atout | F5 | 3a(21)1a4aDa | r. hue | 2.7/1 | 1:13:6 |
2 | 11 | huitre d'or | F5 | Da2a6a(21)2a | th. lebrec | 29/1 | 1:13:8 |
3 | 12 | hascheley berry | F5 | 4aDa(21)4a1a | m.j. barcelo bisquerra | 16/1 | 1:13:9 |
4 | 1 | hope and glory | F5 | 7a(21)4a3aDm | l. cueff | 52/1 | 1:14:0 |
5 | 5 | hillona de nesle | F5 | 6a4a3a1a7a(2 | d. thouroude | 20/1 | 1:14:0 |
6 | 8 | hamarandestart | F5 | 3m1mDa5m2a(2 | g. gervais | 13/1 | 1:14:0 |
7 | 4 | histoire de java | F5 | 2a3a1a(21)1a | antoine michel fossey | 4.2/1 | 1:14:2 |
8 | 9 | hemma de smarves | F5 | 4a(21)7a6a8a | maxence duveau | 26/1 | 1:14:3 |
9 | 3 | heroine des landes | F5 | 4a2a5a3a3a6a | b. hardy | 8.8/1 | 1:14:4 |
10 | 13 | hanae du rib | F5 | 2a4a4a(21)3a | n. perron | 36/1 | 1:14:6 |
11 | 2 | hosanna de meslay | F5 | 8a5a6a(21)0a | a. roussin | 42/1 | 1:14:7 |
7 | haute sphere | F5 | 6aDa9m(21)1a | antoine boutin | 12/1 | ||
10 | hega des landiers | F5 | (21)1a1a3a6a | h. marie | 27/1 | ||
14 | happy chichevet | F5 | (21)9aDaDa0a | velletrie | 154/1 | ||
15 | helice du douy | F5 | 7a0a(21)5a4a | p.e. collard | 104/1 | ||
16 | hedoniste d'em | F5 | (21)5mDm6mDm | a. bloyet | 172/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 10 | hecate du dollar | F5 | (21)DaDa2a0a | h. marie | 24/1 | 1:18:9 |
2 | 4 | hirina des racques | F5 | 0a(21)8aDa0a | renaud julien | 33/1 | 1:19:0 |
3 | 6 | history spoken | F5 | (21)0m7m8a8a | s. gougeon | 40/1 | 1:19:1 |
4 | 8 | halta criscani | F5 | 1a(21)2a0a8a | mme m. sorais | 4.8/1 | 1:19:2 |
5 | 9 | hela des landes | F5 | (21)5aDa0a3a | b. hardy | 11/1 | 1:19:4 |
6 | 7 | history mesloise | F5 | Da(21)7a2a1a | ch. foure | 4.2/1 | 1:19:4 |
7 | 3 | helice du douy | F5 | 0a(21)5a4a4a | p.a. delacour | 7.5/1 | 1:19:4 |
8 | 1 | huluna rush | F5 | (21)0a9a0aRa | j. gillet | 52/1 | 1:19:4 |
9 | 12 | halizarosa | F5 | (21)9aDa3a8a | d. renaudin | 28/1 | 1:18:8 |
10 | 11 | histoire d'oka | F5 | (21)9a0aDa8a | mlle k. kavadacoglou | 44/1 | 1:20:7 |
2 | harmonie du caieu | F5 | (21)0a0a1a9a | j. merer | 23/1 | ||
5 | harley badrec | F5 | Da9a(21)5a8a | b. gontier | 52/1 | ||
13 | half moon | F5 | 4a(21)2a0a0a | v. laisney | 3.5/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 8 | hands up | F5 | (21)9a1a1a2a | borodajko | 3.1/1 | 1:17:4 |
2 | 15 | hardy des landes | H5 | (21)8a5a3a5a | b. hardy | 17/1 | 1:16:7 |
3 | 5 | hassero | H5 | (21)6a2aDa4a | b. lerebourg | 27/1 | 1:17:4 |
4 | 11 | hokusai | H5 | (21)0aDa4a2a | ch. lebissonnais | 9.6/1 | 1:17:4 |
5 | 7 | hyperion du bocage | H5 | (21)7aDa7a8a | p.l. desaunette | 14/1 | 1:17:5 |
6 | 2 | harold du vivier | H5 | (21)9aRa(20) | s. ernault | 4.7/1 | 1:17:6 |
7 | 16 | hillona de nesle | F5 | (21)4aDa2a7a | ch. clin | 13/1 | 1:16:9 |
8 | 13 | haribo jeloca | H5 | (21)4a5aDa3a | mme c. hallais-dersoir | 12/1 | 1:17:0 |
9 | 9 | harmony cauveliere | F5 | (21)DaDa0aDa | j.f. vallette | 62/1 | 1:17:8 |
10 | 12 | hold up darche | H5 | (21)5a0a9a8a | f. desmigneux | 23/1 | 1:17:9 |
11 | 3 | heroine jolie | F5 | (21)0a0a9a5a | s. lelievre | /1 | 1:18:2 |
1 | holiday d'am | M5 | (21)0aDaDa | c. herivaux | 62/1 | ||
4 | helice du douy | F5 | (21)5a4a4a3a | adrien blandin | 17/1 | ||
6 | hocco darche | H5 | (21)DmDaDa4a | j.b. lelievre | 83/1 | ||
10 | horizon de mai | H5 | (21)0a3a4aDa | g. blandin | 45/1 | ||
14 | hello bleu | H5 | (21)6mDaDa0m | p.y. verva | 15/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 5 | haribelle danover | F4 | 1a3aRaDa8a5a | j. travers | 3.8/1 | 1:17:2 |
2 | 1 | harmonieuse well | F4 | 0a7aDaRa0a5a | y. lebourgeois | 11/1 | 1:17:2 |
3 | 7 | harmonie de pej | F4 | 0a5a0a8a8a5a | l. koubiche | 55/1 | 1:17:3 |
4 | 13 | histoire de nappes | F4 | 3a2a4aDa5a7a | o. dagnicourt | 16/1 | 1:16:6 |
5 | 9 | helice du douy | F4 | 4a4a3a6a2a3a | f. blandin | 4.1/1 | 1:17:5 |
6 | 10 | hypothese forgan | F4 | 0a5a7a7aDaDa | k. depuydt | 29/1 | 1:17:7 |
7 | 12 | hakuna matata | F4 | 0a6aDa0a6aDa | julien raffestin | 23/1 | 1:17:0 |
8 | 3 | ha la grace | F4 | 7a6aDa8a8aDa | a. garandeau | 81/1 | 1:17:8 |
9 | 15 | harmonie blonde | F4 | 0a0aDa0a2a3a | ph. daugeard | 29/1 | 1:17:1 |
10 | 6 | heidi de l'aumoy | F4 | 7a4a1a5a2a7a | j. corbanie | 14/1 | 1:18:0 |
11 | 4 | herminig oliverie | F4 | 0a8aDa7a5aDa | wissocq | 102/1 | 1:19:0 |
12 | 8 | hexcuse erca | F4 | 0a9aDa4a2a3a | david lefevre | 76/1 | 1:19:3 |
13 | 14 | hurielle | F4 | 3a4a5a8a6aDa | p.y. verva | 15/1 | 1:22:6 |
2 | histoire de star | F4 | 5a2a4a | r. derieux | 8/1 | ||
11 | haliyaa de joudes | F4 | 4a9a2aDa1aDa | a. laurent | 8.8/1 | ||
16 | havana de la roque | F4 | 0aDa5a6a5a6a | ch. lebissonnais | 47/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 8 | haltess des glenan | F4 | 9aDaDa1a8aDa | ploquin | 35/1 | 1:17:3 |
2 | 14 | harmonie de cigne | F4 | 8a0a1a5a9a0a | l. jousse | 25/1 | 1:16:7 |
3 | 13 | heala carisaie | F4 | 8a3a3a6aDaDa | a. prat | 4.4/1 | 1:16:8 |
4 | 5 | helice du douy | F4 | 4a3a6a2a3a3a | f. blandin | 4.9/1 | 1:17:5 |
5 | 15 | hiroise du parjat | F4 | 1a0a7a7a0a7a | s. baude | 4.5/1 | 1:16:9 |
6 | 2 | hena du theil | F4 | 6a8aDa5aDa4a | ch. boisnard | 31/1 | 1:17:6 |
7 | 7 | hirondelle du bois | F4 | 6a9a7a7a7aDa | e. peltier | 71/1 | 1:17:7 |
8 | 10 | hirina des racques | F4 | Da0a2aDa5a5a | adrien blandin | 29/1 | 1:18:0 |
9 | 11 | huitre d'or | F4 | Da1a3a0aDa1a | w. michel | 5/1 | 1:17:4 |
10 | 6 | harmonie de pej | F4 | 5a0a8a8a5a2a | g. gelormini | 17/1 | 1:18:2 |
11 | 4 | herminig oliverie | F4 | 8aDa7a5aDa2a | f. lecanu | 21/1 | 1:18:8 |
1 | harmonieuse well | F4 | 7aDaRa0a5a3a | guillaume martin | 28/1 | ||
3 | harley du vasset | F4 | 6aDa5a1a4a4a | f. christophe | 28/1 | ||
9 | helite des fanes | F4 | 0a8m8a1a3a6a | a.h. robin | /1 | ||
12 | histoire d'attaque | F4 | Da6aDm3aDa4a | g. gesret | 94/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 16 | happy rare | F4 | 0a9a3aDa6a4a | a. le courtois | 43/1 | 1:15:7 |
2 | 6 | hirka du cap vert | F4 | 2a4a7a7a | f. anne | 4/1 | 1:15:7 |
3 | 14 | holy de buliere | F4 | 4a1aDa1a | b. vassard | 3.7/1 | 1:15:8 |
4 | 10 | helice du douy | F4 | 3a6a2a3a3a4a | f. blandin | 5.9/1 | 1:16:1 |
5 | 12 | heloise du ris | F4 | 1a5a(20)6m4m | a.g. maillard | 8.2/1 | 1:16:2 |
6 | 8 | harley du vasset | F4 | Da5a1a4a4a5a | f. christophe | 21/1 | 1:16:5 |
7 | 4 | herceline | F4 | Ra0a7a9a7a9a | p. sorais | 76/1 | 1:16:8 |
8 | 3 | hoteliere | F4 | Da7a9aDa5a | st. meunier | /1 | 1:17:3 |
9 | 11 | hortense d'or | F4 | 0a0aDa7a0aDa | w. souchet | /1 | 1:18:3 |
10 | 1 | historia danover | F4 | 8a | j. travers | /1 | 1:18:9 |
2 | haiti danover | F4 | Da0a0a5a8a0a | ch. lebissonnais | 30/1 | ||
5 | harmonie de star | F4 | 3a7a9a9aDa5a | d. javelle | 14/1 | ||
7 | hispano suiza | F4 | 2a4a3a5aDm | f. lecanu | 9.8/1 | ||
9 | halta criscani | F4 | 8a5a7a4aDaDa | f. lindrec | /1 | ||
13 | hanochka d'heripre | F4 | Da0a4a0aDa4a | f. tabesse | /1 | ||
15 | heva des nielles | F4 | 1a3a2a7a3a6a | j. poutrel | 11/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 8 | hands up | F4 | 1a2aDa5aDaAm | borodajko | 2.3/1 | 1:14:8 |
2 | 15 | hirka du cap vert | F4 | 4a7a7a | f. anne | 60/1 | 1:14:8 |
3 | 6 | helice du douy | F4 | 6a2a3a3a4aDa | f. blandin | 43/1 | 1:15:0 |
4 | 5 | holy de buliere | F4 | 1aDa1a | b. vassard | 2.3/1 | 1:15:0 |
5 | 13 | hirondina queen | F4 | 7a8aDaAa7a | g. lessieu | /1 | 1:15:1 |
6 | 7 | helvira | F4 | Da6a1a9a7aDa | g. moinon | 53/1 | 1:15:2 |
7 | 3 | halma | F4 | 5a6a5a6a4a2a | f. delanoe | 19/1 | 1:15:2 |
8 | 2 | histoire de l'iton | F4 | Da4aDa2aDm3m | t. de genouillac | 60/1 | 1:15:2 |
9 | 10 | hope and star | F4 | DaRa8a8a8aDa | a. gougeon | /1 | 1:15:4 |
10 | 14 | herceline | F4 | 7a9a7a9a4a(2 | p. sorais | 40/1 | 1:15:7 |
11 | 11 | herlika du plessis | F4 | Da4aAaDaDa(2 | antoine michel fossey | /1 | 1:15:7 |
1 | holly de la vegas | F4 | 2a7aDa1a6a(2 | s. hardy | 17/1 | ||
4 | helena housse | F4 | 9a0a2aDaDa5a | r. delaune | 48/1 | ||
9 | harley | F4 | 7a5a5a5a4aDa | y. lebourgeois | 12/1 | ||
12 | hezia du vasset | F4 | DaRaDm9a5a(2 | a. marquet | 120/1 | ||
16 | hanoi turgot | F4 | 5aDa4a4a0aDa | q. michel | /1 | ||
17 | haiti danover | F4 | 0a5a8a0aDa | j. travers | /1 | ||
18 | hermione de flots | F4 | 8aDa9aDa | f. lecanu | 160/1 |